
Friday, May 16, 2014

Is there even such a thing as Reverse Racism

What do you say when you are called a reverse racist?
And what do you say when you are called that by someone you thought was FRIEND?
And, what do you say when that FRIEND was an intimate FRIEND?
And, what do you say when you know that FRIEND IS in an interracial relationship?
Can you go on to say that you are still in Love with that person?
Can you even say that you HAVE Love for that person anymore?

Of course I guess it goes without saying that your whole foundation is shattered to the core.
It goes without saying that you now look at that person as someone who never really listened to you. You look at that person as someone who no matter how much you thought you had in common, just maybe, there really is nothing there.

So once you pick your pride up off the floor, any rational human being will look withing themselves and digest what was just said to them.

  1. First thing you hear is your Grandmother who said, “Keep your own race strong, marry within, don't go mixing things up like that, you will always get hurt. Because no matter how hard you try, it just ain’t gonna work.
  2. Next, you think of all the jobs you have had, and you remember your struggles, you remember, how more than 3 bosses, took your money saving, time saving, logical idea(s) and ran with them as their own. You rewind in your mind all the times, you were passed up for promotions, knowing you knew more about the job than the person who got it.
  3. You think about the time as a little girl, out for a drive with her father only to see the police lights in the background, and when the so called police officer who took an oath to “Protect and Serve” calls your proud, well spoken, well dressed Dad a BOY, not a MAN or SIR.
  4. Your brain rewinds to the time you were standing at the Market counter with your grandmother and the butcher tried to reach underneath and hand your grandmother the scraps, instead of the beautiful meats that were on display in the case that she really wanted.
  5. Your mind rewinds to the day your mother so proudly graduated with her RN's license, only to receive a letter advising her that she had to retest, because they didn't believe she had graduated with such a high score in such a short period of time. Most ppl need 4 year to fully obtain RN's license, our mother did hers in 2.5 yrs. Letter went on to tell her that if she wanted her RN's license in OHIO she would have to retest. (Not only did she retest, she scored even higher than the first time!)

No one's lifetime should be filled with so many letdowns, no one should have to explain why they LOVE their race, their color, their history (no matter how bad some of it was)

NO one should have to say they are sorry because they are more intelligent than someone of a different race. No one should have to “Dummy Down” their PRIDE, their accomplishments, who they are.

No one should be made to feel BAD about any of these things.

And, that's when you have your epiphany, you realize that, all the years of being made to think that White's are more Supreme beings than any other race, IS the cause of this. Now you wonder, if it's totally hopeless to even believe that any white person will EVER really be able to see YOU, your accomplishments, your pride, your love of self without always wanting to DESTROY that pride. After all, how dare you black people feel you have any right to BELIEVE in yourselves, have love of family, love of self, HOW DARE YOU!
So you start thinking even deeper.

  1. Why IF African American's are so LAZY, so Nasty, so uneducated, WHY are so many in today's society, trying to re-enslave us? Free Labor
  2. Perhaps, if White American's didn't have such an ugly History of killing things that don't look or think like them, maybe that race wouldn't be so AFRAID that someone was coming to GET THEM! Maybe just maybe, African American's can just be proud of who they are and maybe just maybe, an activist like myself, WILL continue to always speak out against anything that shows HATE and INABILITIES to Communicate.
  3. Maybe just maybe if WE all knew our American History, we would spend our every waking moment like I do, thinking about ways to KEEP from returning to such horrible times of Inequality and unfairness towards ALL Mankind! Who was it that said, “If you don't know your History, you are DOOMED to repeat it!”
  4. Maybe instead of being envious towards my abilities like, common sense and rational, Maybe just maybe you would look at me and Praise those attributes, INSTEAD of choosing to try to belittle my STRENGTHS and CONTROL me!
I will always call out instances of inequality and unfairness, I will ALWAYS be awake to the unfairness that plaques, my lovely African American Community, I will ALWAYS hold my head up high and BELIEVE in ME. I'm an African American, and I know NO other way.

What gets under people's skin is when people like myself refuse to be silenced, I refuse to run and COWER or try to CHANGE the PRIDE I have in my Heritage, my race. So when you say you are tired of hearing me always talk about White's and what so many in History and in today's CURRENT times, continue to say and do, then, you ARE part of the problem, NOT the solution!

Because it IS that complacent attitude that says, it's good for me, but, not you!  You can't love me, if deep down inside, you are ashamed of me, if you are going to ask me to not LOVE ME and my heritage, there is NO way to separate the two!

So if you wanna call me a reverse racist, so be it, because I AM a racist, I hate HATE, I hate Ignorance, I HATE Sexism, I hate Bigotry, I HATE Inequality, I HATE Dictators.

But, I AM NOT A BIGOT! There is a difference, and, it will serve you well to know the difference!

“Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress.
If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence.” 

[Frederick Douglass, September 25 1883]

Written by KL & I hold original copies as well as all copyrights of my work original works / poetry.
I claim no rights to videos or pictures that are not legally mine, but, were used as "resource / reference" materials only 


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